Women’s Great Banquet #147

Zionsville Presbyterian Church 4775 West 116th Street, Zionsville, United States

The Great Banquet is a 72-hour experience running Thursday evening through Sunday evening. Guests stay on-site at Zionsville Presbyterian Church the entire weekend and enjoy wonderful meals, thoughtful talks and conversations in a small group setting. It is open to all denominations or to anyone seeking a relationship with Christ. Reservations are required and spaces […]


Men’s Great Banquet #148

Zionsville Presbyterian Church 4775 West 116th Street, Zionsville, United States

The Great Banquet is a 72-hour experience running Thursday evening through Sunday evening. Guests stay on-site at Zionsville Presbyterian Church the entire weekend and enjoy wonderful meals, thoughtful talks and conversations in a small group setting. It is open to all denominations or to anyone seeking a relationship with Christ. Reservations are required and spaces […]


Celebration Community Gathering

Zionsville Presbyterian Church 4775 West 116th Street, Zionsville, United States

Join us for worship, a message, and communion in the sanctuary. Child care provided.